About a month ago there was a whole big bowl of Fireballs on our kitchen table in the office. I never really liked Fireballs for the simple fact that they burned my mouth. I also could never figure out why so many people liked them. So, I decided to have one Fireball every day until I could figure out what people like about them and I can tell you, it was certainly not the HOT feeling I got when I first put the Fireball in my mouth. To be honest, the first couple times I ate one, I could not finish it. I really did not like the burning sensation that it gave me.
After about 10 days of spitting theses things out I finally had enough guts to keep one in my month the entire time, until it was gone. To my surprise, I enjoyed the center of the Fireball. The next day I was more excited about the Fireball. I started to think about the sugary center of the candy and not think about the "hot shell" the encases it. After about 20 days eating Fireballs I found myself growing akin to them and actually looked forward to not only having one, but eating about two a day.
The thing that I realized about eating the Fireballs is that it is a lot like sales. NOBODY likes to cold call or the heavy lifting of any job. But, EVERYBODY loves the sugary center or the closing of a deal. Now, after eating the Fireballs for a month I understand that it is not the HOT feeling that people enjoy but it is the sweet center. In life or the working world it is the same thick shell with a sweet center! The thicker the shell, the sweeter the center and that is what we are all after. So remember, every day when you wake up, you too will have a "hot shell" to go through before you get to your "sweet center". Some days the shell will be thicker than others but there will always be a sweet center.
As a reminder, I now brush my teeth with a cinnamon tooth paste to make sure I never forget that I that I need to get through the "thick shell" before I enjoy the "sweet center." Plus, I will get fewer cavities.
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